Caring For Your Gerbil

Quick Facts
Common Name: Mongolian Gerbil
Latin Name: Meriones unguiculatus
Native To: Mongolia
Size: Adult body length is usually around 4 inches, with a fluffy tail of the same length.
Weight: Approximately 90 grams
Life Span: Gerbils tend to have a lifespan of 3-4 years.
Housing Your Gerbil
Your gerbils should be kept in as large a cage as possible. In the wild, gerbils live in underground tunnels up to 3m long. Your gerbil should always have a wheel available for use, the diameter of which should be slightly longer than the gerbil. Cages should never be placed in draughty areas or direct sunlight. Gerbils love to burrow, so try to provide your pets with at least 2 inches of woodshavings to dig in.

Feeding Your Gerbil
A good quality complete food should be fed daily to ensure your gerbil gets all their essential vitamins and minerals. Gerbils tend not to overeat but most will only eat about 10 grams of food per day. Gerbils often enjoy a selection of fresh fruit and vegetables, such as broccoli, carrot and apple. Good treats also include dried banana, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and millet seeds.
Gerbils are incredibly social animals who form complex relationships with their companions. It is very important that they are kept in pairs, or larger groups. When outside of the cage, gerbils enjoy searching for new ‘look out spots’ from where they will watch their surroundings and alert their friends to any perceived danger with a loud foot stomp.

Habitat Maintenance
Cages should be cleaned out as often as needed, this is usually weekly. A layer of woodshavings deep enough to burrow in, and some nesting material, should always be available for your gerbil. Food and water containers should be emptied and rinsed daily. A pet-safe disinfectant used weekly will prevent odours.
Grooming & Hygiene
Gerbils keep themselves clean and do not need bathed unless they are aged, ill or overweight. Gerbils enjoy bathing in sand, Chinchilla sand is ideal for this.They should have access to bathing sand at least 3 times per week to keep their coat clean and in good condition.

Signs of ill health include weight loss, lethargy, lack of interest in food, sticky eyes, a wet tail area, difficulty breathing and snuffling. Gerbils are very rarely affected by parasites.
Mongolian Gerbils are fun, friendly little pets who enjoy spending time outside of the cage. They really enjoy interaction with their owners, and are highly intelligent. A hamster ball is a great way to allow your pet to exercise outside of the cage.

Chewing & Dental Care
You should ensure your gerbils always has access to a selection of safe, wooden chews. Some gerbils will chew on the bars of the cage, often this can be prevented by moving to a bigger cage. Gerbils’ upper incisors grow throughout their lives, so provide chew toys and hay to help keep teeth at the correct length. Cardboard tubes make ideal toys for your gerbils to run through and chew.
A gerbil needs a loving home for life, with a family who is prepared to care for it well. However, if circumstances change and you are unable to keep your pet, staff at Pet Connection will take your gerbil in for rehoming, as soon as we have space. If you have any further questions, please just ask!